Facts on mental health ... all diseases From The Nerves

Facts On Mental Health ... all diseases From The Nerves

Facts on mental health ... all diseases From The Nerves

October 10 was defined by the World Federation of Mental Health with the support of the World Health Organization in 1992 as World Mental Health Day.

Today, according to the World Health Organization, more than 450 million people on the planet suffer from mental illness. According to statistics, every seventh person is either paranoid (schizophrenic), or prone to depression and alcoholism.

Recently, there has been a significant improvement in the social security of the population, which has a positive effect on average life expectancy. However, with an increase in average life expectancy, the incidence of mental illness has increased. Each period of life carries the danger of the onset of certain mental disorders. So, in the first period of life, mental retardation and childhood autism are manifested, in youth - personality disorders and anorexia nervosa, in youth and early adulthood - schizophrenia, panic disorders, alcoholism and other forms of addiction, in the middle of life - mood disorders, anxiety disorders, the aging period is Alzheimer's disease and various forms of senile dementia.

Mental disorders and brain diseases lead to disability in a significant part of the population and cause the loss of healthy years of life due to disability.

No one can guarantee themselves absolute mental health, nor can they predict that they will not be in danger of losing it in the future. The nature of the occurrence of schizophrenia, epilepsy and depressive psychosis remains a mystery to doctors. But the reasons that increase the risk of their development are precisely known: these are regular stresses, poor nutrition, as well as the negative information that “presses” us from all sides.

Why are stresses occurring? Political and economic disasters, turmoil at work, health problems, and just going to the store sometimes lead to the fact that a person has a bad mood is replaced by despondency, and then a complete breakdown. And here it is not far to depression. What to do, how to change yourself and your attitude to life?

First of all, reconsider your relationship with the surrounding reality, learn how to calmly accept unpleasant little things as part of the life of a modern person. No matter how great the problem, it will not cause serious changes in your health if you understand that you are able to cope with it.

To maintain mental health and peace of mind:

1. Maintain family and friendships. Warm relationships with family, friends, colleagues and neighbors will enrich your life and provide a feeling of support from the outside. Do not make serious decisions, such as moving, changing jobs, divorcing without discussing a problem with close friends or relatives from among those you trust.

2. Be physically active. Playing sports, active hobbies (gardening, dancing) and just a daily walk in the nearest park will improve your mood and help maintain physical fitness.

3. Participate in cultural life. Paying attention to art, culture, theater, noticing the beauty of every moment of life, you help yourself to understand what is really important. Do what improves your mood.

4. Learn and learn. Learn, study and study - these wise words will serve as an excellent incentive to maintain mental health. You can go in for sports, painting, learning foreign languages, embroidery. Embark on a journey or become a designer. Discover new facets and develop. So you will gain confidence in their own abilities.

5. Help and give. Mercy makes man human. Give friends, relatives and friends, even strangers, kindness, advice, real help. In response, you will receive thanks. And gratitude is positive emotions.

6. Be yourself. Do not set yourself too complex tasks and do not take on too much burden of responsibility. If you expect too much from yourself, this can increase the likelihood of failure, which will not add to your confidence and positive emotions. Determine which tasks are your first priority and what can wait, and do your work as much as possible.

If you feel that the situation is getting out of control and you cannot deal with it alone, seek help from mental health professionals (psychologists, psychotherapists, sexologists, psychiatrists), this will help restore psychological well-being and improve your quality of life .

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